Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Californ-I-A :)

Home Sweet Home at last. Is it always good to come home? I can't remember. My dog & my cat missed me. They keep fallin (I really just wrote that!!!-I mean FOLLOWING) me around the place.

Cali was fun...here's a run-down w/ some pics.

Day One: after an extremely long day of travel, i met up with kelly at the san diego airport. then we traveled (courtesy of roxie), on to la jolla to check into the hotel. a fancy hotel that gives you robes :) check it out:
pretty sweet.
that night, all 17 of us (seriously, 17) ate outdoors at this italian place i think. i got soup & salad...for $30! for real.

Day Two: got my very 1st pedicure-blue toenails! how fun it was.

then we had a picnic on the beach...but it was actually on grass next to the beach as you can see:
Post lunch, we got yummy frozen yogurt. i got blackberry yogurt with blackberries:

mmm, mmm
Day Three: San Diego trip. 1st the Harbor Cruise:

Here is a pic of a medic ship-it holds over 1,000 beds! I think that's pretty rad.

After the cruise, we went to Seaport Village for some lunch & shopping & I bought this totally awesome pillow:

We took a "pedi-cab" back to the car-it was so fun!

Me on the pedi-cab :)

That night we went out for suishi & sake...sadly, i have no pictures from that night :(

Day Four: mom get's her 1st pedicure ever-pink toenails!

Then we all went to the Aquarium...such fun.

whew-that was scary!! we look pretty happy, but we're just good actors.
Post Aquarium, we went to an outdoor concert. I danced & everything-i must have been feeling quite brave :) 

That night we ate Mexican food & I caught a red-eye flight out of San Diego at 2300. Good trip, glad to be back home :)

Here's a funny set of pictures...it looks like Margaret is telling Emily a secret & that it made her crack up :)

1 comment:

Shaffer said...

It looks like you had so much fun baby, especially on the pedi-cab. You look so happy! :)
This is the first I've heard of any dancing! I'll have to get the scoop on that. :)