Thursday, July 05, 2012


When my mom left Germany to head back to the states, she flew out of Nuremberg so we decided to try to balance out the sadness of her leaving with a fun day trip just the four of us.  She left at 9am so that left us the rest of the day to explore and whatnot.  One of our army buddy's girlfriend was visiting from Ukraine so we invited them and hung out all day.  It was fun!  And I was so proud of the way me and Chris packed for both of the babies.  We didn't bring too much or too little.  We actually talked about what we should bring and we even packed the night before!  Ah, we are finally growing up ;)

Autumn telling her daddy to "Shhh" in the St Lorenzkirche (St. Lawrence's Church)

This is how Caleb saw Nuremberg.  Doesn't he look gigantic?!  He is only 7 months old!  He's got long lets like the rest of us.

Taken from the bridge in the middle of town.  It is a lovely smallish town.

Lunch...Autumn's getting ready to dump the sugar out.  I remember taking the picture and then yelling "NO'!  :)

Lunch actually was pretty crappy.  Not a good selection and over priced, but we tried to make the best out of it anyway!

Part of the fort I guess?  Sorry, I"m no history buff.

View from the top of the fort.

Pretty funny that Chris isn't holding either of his children in this picture!

Kaity and Autumn. I think it's pretty cute even though I have no idea what they are looking at :)

Only family portrait we got.  It's not great, but it's a memory!

There is this toy shop there called "Steiff".  I'm sure some of you have heard of it, but oh my goodness it is sooo expensive!  It must be like a badge of honor over here in Germany to own one kind of like FAO Schwartz in America.  This is the huge Steiff bear that was outside of the shop.  Of course Autumn loved it! (What 2 year old wouldn't?)

Overall, fun day, fun place!

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