Tuesday, August 01, 2006


pittsburgh is like another planet. my dad grew up in a little tiny town outside of pittsburgh. they say things like "mummy" instead of "mommy" & "unge" instead of "orange". they call bologna sandwiches jumbo sandwiches & drink beer called "iron city" or "stoney's" (sugar free/salt free brew!!).
my family here is so genuinely kind. they just open up their home & feed us & hang out with us & just love us. i have 2 little girl cousins here that are albino blond! so cute. maddison (2 years old) laughs hysterically everytime she lets go of her purple balloon & i grab it before it hits the ceiling. which of course sends me into giggles & the cycle never stops.
my dad acts like he doesn't like this place or he doesn't like coming back here, but he SO does. today we went & saw his old house & his old high-school. he only talks about his life here when we are actually here. i dont know why.
we arrived here by way of route 66 :) i am getting tired of traveling though! just a couple more days before i am back in beautifully sweet tennessee :)

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