The basics:
Same as last month. Naps from 10-12 and 2-4 and sleeps 7p-7a.
He still loves to eat although lately he hasn't been finishing his bottles?!? He was getting 4 8oz bottles a day and after 2 or 3 days of him not finishing them, we cut it back to 7 oz a feeding. I have no idea if this is normal?? I don't like it, but there's no dang doctors to ask around here. There is a nurse line you can call and I have called it before but they don't know my son and he doesn't have a regular doctor (has never seen the same one twice!) so I don't like calling them unless it's super urgent. Can't wait until we are back with normal pediatricians in America!
As far as solids, he still seems to be eating the same amount, but not with the same urgency. He used to get real mad if you didn't feed him continually but he's a lot more chill about it so I don't know if he's "maturing" or not as hungry.
He still cries when I wipe off his face. Such a baby ;)
He has finally started to "play" with books. He loves looking at them and chewing on them of course. He likes doing it by himself. If I put him in my lap all he does is try to grab the book and eat it or something. Today I sat on the floor for "reading time" with both of the kids. Autumn loved it, Caleb ignored me. Hmmm...
Other Things of Note:
I don't know if I've mentioned these before, but he gives kisses on demand, claps his hand, says "mama" and "dada" but without purpose, pulls up to a standing position all the time, but doesn't stand on his own yet, and "yells" happily a lot. He's quite loud!!
He hates changing clothes. He acts like it is awful! He also will not ride in the grocery cart or stroller without screaming. I don't mean whining, I mean screaming like he's on fire. We have tried to let him cry a bit but it is really hard when your child is screaming in the middle of a store and all you have to do is hold him to make him stop. So we just hold him. This, too, shall pass I tell myself.
Despite the hating of the stroller/grocery cart, he is getting much more independent. He does great at home now. He will happily crawl into another room away from me. He will also let Chris hold him while we are walking through the store, etc. These are big accomplishments :) Even though he is more independent, he would still be happily be carried around by mama 24/7 :) AND, last night we went to a military ball and left him with a sitter for the first time and he did great. When we got home, my jaw hit the floor. He didn't cry (except when she changed his clothes!) and he went to sleep just fine!
I know his shirt says 9 months, but I never take those pictures on time and I didn't get it last month's post! Maybe I'll get the 10 month picture in the 11 months post ;)
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