Sunday, May 13, 2012

Blooms Days 2012

Blooms Days is a big 'ole plant sale with lots of other stuff going on as well.  It is located in the most beautiful gardens that Tennessee has to offer (I think so at least).  They have live music, food, kid activities, vendors, etc.  My dad (the gardener of the family) was working the festival.  This was the first year I've ever been and we had so much fun!  It was the smoothest morning I've had in a loooong time.   Caleb slept and then ate and then stayed happy and Autumn was obedient and sweet all  morning until the very end when she got tired and even then she was just slightly ornery.  Why can't all my days be like that?!  :)  
Me, Caleb, my mom, & Autumn

Autumn got to go on a special ride with her Papa Buzz!

This is how Caleb spent the first half of the morning...

And this is how he spent the second half!  What a good happy boy!!

We had so much fun!  (I know I already said that, but it is has been a long time since I've had such a good day with both kids out in public!)  We got to eat homemade ice cream and listen to some music:

Autumn had Buttermilk Strawberry, I had Lavender, and mom had Salty Caramel.  Mom's was the best, hands down ;)

Autumn even danced to the music!  Here is a video of her jammin' out :)  

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