Monday, March 12, 2012

Learning is Fun! Craft Stick Bugs & Painting a pillowcase

I still haven't come up with anything cute to call our activities.  I was thinking of Flops & _____?? Finds?  Friends?  I don't really like either one of those.  I'll keep trying to think!  

So, one thing we did that was awesome and fun was we made Craft Stick Bugs.  You just take a craft stick and have your child color it (we used markers).  Then you wrap pipe cleaners around it for the legs and glue on googly (googley?) eyes.  Ta-da! You have just made a bug.  Here's a pic of our bugs: 
She's wearing antennae and therefore we called her "Autumn Bug" for the rest of the day which she, of course, loved :)  If I did this activity again, I would also glue on antennae to the bugs. 

For our activity flop, I tried to mix food coloring and water in a spray bottle & then spray a white pillowcase.  The food coloring did dye the water, but it was barely noticeable once we sprayed it on the pillowcase.  I get I need to figure out another way to put paint in a sprayable format (Maybe tempera paint mixed with water??).  So instead we just carefully dripped the food coloring onto the pillowcase.  We still had fun so it's not exactly a flop, but still.

Now, go have some fun with your child!!

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