Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Link Up: Baby Girl's Nursery

Yep, that's right, I'm calling it a nursery until she is out of her crib...which is maybe 5 or 6 months :)
Paula Kathlyn from The Patriotic Peacock is doing a link-up to see your baby/child's nursery/room.  The link is here.  Here is my sweet pea's room while we are in TN (7 more months until we go back to Germany)!  This is her 3rd nursery in 18 months (got you beat timewise Kathlyn!).  Her first nursery in Oklahoma was the best one I think.  Her nursery in Germany was pretty crapalicious because we needed steel nails to actually hang stuff up and plus the Hubs was hardly ever at home.  This nursery is not bad at all, but most of the decor came from my mom and my mother-in-law since I didn't have anything! 

Her growth chart I made for her a couple of months ago!  It actually matches her bird bedding in Germany but oh well!  It's still cute!  The toilet paper really makes the picture, dont ya think?
The glider my mama bought for me to use!  A humidifier (if you live in the South with a child who has allergies, it's pretty much a necessity) and flower knobs from my MIL.  We bought some lovely cream colored black out curtains...but haven't hung them up yet! Maybe this weekend ;)

Her crib from my in-laws and a special homemade blanket.   Plus, flower wall decals from my MIL.
Fabric covered letters I decorated!  I am quite proud of them.  When I look at them, they make me happy :)  Wish I had a close up to show you, but I don't and she's sleeping right now.  On the top shelf is her picture of daddy she kisses at night and in the morning.  There's some stuffed bears and some books that she isn't ready for yet.  Plus a noise machine and her moniter!
Her dresser and mirror that my mama bought!
And this is a canvas thingy I made, but haven't hung up yet.  You can't tell in the picture, but those are Martha Stewart gold glitter butterflies and the wings are 3-D! They are soo pertty! 

There it is!  Hope you enjoyed the pictures.  It's a pretty peaceful room as long as I keep it clean ;)  My next project is my baby boy's nursery who will be here in a few weeks and who is sharing a room with me! And, I haven't done much at all for it yet!  Eek!! I like to live life on the edge ;) 

One day (maybe in Germany) I really hope to devote some time and energy to the nurseries.  I just love the thought of having beautiful rooms for my babies, but haven't exactly been in the easiest situation to make that happen!  One day...

If you want to link up your baby or child's room, head over to the Patriotic Peacock and share!


Jen said...

Saw your link up on Kathlyn's blog, such a cute room!

And I feel you on the humidifier. My babe's got one in his room too!

Unknown said...

Love the room and the fabric letters! Can't wait until the little one gets here :-) Thanks for linking up!

Stacey said...

Meg! Did you free hand the canvas? It is beautiful and I might copy it. :)