Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby Journey-week 6

Symptoms:  Nothing new really.  I have been sleeping through the night again, but I thought I might upchuck in the shower the other day.  I didn't though :)  I haven't been so sleepy in the afternoons.  Weird, huh?  I had heartburn a couple of nights last week.  My appetite has decreased if anything.  Sometimes I just don't feel like eating.  My pregnancy nose is still going strong. 

Emotions:  Definitely emotional!  I cry or "tear up" over anything remotely sad.  I cried over that political shooting in Arizona, I cried over a blog post I read about the number of abortions in New York, I cry when looking at pictures of nurseries, I cry when I think about Hubby not being with me for the birth, and I cry when I get homesick.  I haven't been grumpy anymore so that's really good.  Some days I am pretty stressed, some days I am fine, but that's not really because I'm pregnant...that's because my life is in a very transitional period right now (thank you army). 

Doctor's Appointments, etc.:  Well, I went & peed in a cup for the army...turns out I'm pregnant! :)  Then, on Friday I had to drive Hubby to work (with Baby Girl of course) so I could keep the car & then I had mess up Baby Girl's naps to drive back to post for an "appointment" which turned out to be "pick up this pack of paper".  It took about 3 mins.  Thank you army!  On Wednesday I asked my friend to watch Baby Girl so I can go to a class called "Having a baby in Germany" or something like that even though I will be having my baby in America.  THEN, finally after 3 trips to post, I will get to actually go to my first doctor's appointment...on my birthday!  Sheesh-everything is so much more complicated across the pond!

The Baby: Dun-du-du-dun....we have a lentil!!


Stacey said...

Im so excited about your baby journey!

Mama said...

Hey Meg...I wish I was closer to you three. I wnat to be with you and have a glass of wine with Chris, and enjoy a smile from sweet Autumn...I am missing you! But I am super happy about the new baby coming, and I know there will come a time when we are all together again, and Chris will be there too! Sending you lots of love...and don't let the Army get you down!