Thursday, April 23, 2009

City of Bones Playlist

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OK, I totally ripped this idea off of Stephenie Meyer's website, but I loved the idea of playlists that go along with books! So I made playlists for all 3 of the Mortal Instrument Series and I think they are pretty flippin' rad. The only song I couldn't find for this 1st playlist (City of Bones) was "Black Cloud" by Morrissey (which is obviously from Simon's perspective). It should go in between "Hands Down" and "Thousand Mile Wish", but oh well. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Books-what else?

I suppose some of my posts do not involve books, but books truly are my favorite topic. I am crazy-lovin' this one series of books & I had to share. Drum roll please....or not.

They are sooooo good!!
It's full of mythical creatures like half-demons & half-angels & warlocks (humans too)...basically good against evil kinda stuff.
If you liked Twilight, you'll love Mortal Instuments (by Cassandra Clare).
Go read! Now!!